The Scum Is Carefree

Kang Ce subconsciously opened his mouth to speak, but found that there was no voice that came out of his mouth. His eyes widened and he instinctively closed his mouth and felt his throat, fearing he truly lost his voice.

Gong Xian walked towards Xi Ming and Xi Xing who were heavily panting as they caught they breath, momentarily been given a chance to breathe by the creature lurking underneath the surface and is chasing them.

Xi Ming and Xi Xing are full of scratches and there was a deep wound on Xi Ming's leg. The wound was open and is bleeding. So that's why they saw that there was something strange with Xi Ming and Xi Xing before. Both have a high cultivation, so they should've ran faster than they did earlier. Yet, it was because Xi Ming has a wound and so, they have run slower to accommodate Xi Ming.