The Scum Is A Writer 

"Ah Ling!" Lei Qing cried in panic. "What are you talking about?!" she asked when she saw her younger brother's shocked expression. However, Lei Ling's eyes are blank. "Ah Ling! Answer me!" she said. 

"Jie… you… I'm still in the sect?" Lei Ling asked as he blinked. The Righteous Alliance, as well as Qi Ling, disappeared. "Jie…" he called. 

"What was that about?" Sun Rong asked. 

"Shijie… what happened to Lei-shixiong?" You Rou asked, her eyes filled with worry as she looked at Lei Ling. 

"I don't know, it's too sudden…" Lei Qing shook her head. "Let's go ask shifu." She said. 

"Yes." You Rou nodded as she helped Lei Qing help Lei Ling to walk since Lei Ling's head was still aching and he felt dizzy. 

Sun Rong and Qie Shi watched with a sigh as the Xinfaxian sect disciples left. 

Yunxiao Inn, Zhongyang, Central Region. 

"Founder!" Cheng Sheng cried as they safely arrived at the Yunxiao Inn.