The Scum Is Aggravating

"Are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?" Xie Lan asked when they had returned to the Xinfaxian Sect. 

Cheng Sheng shook his head. "No, founder." He answered. 

"Xiao Sheng…" Fan Wen called as he held Cheng Sheng's hands tight. Then, he turned to Wu Yuan, Chen Han, and Fei Yin. 

Cheng Sheng smiled. "Shifu. Founder. I'm the one elder Ming wanted. Sect leader Wu coming with me is his and elder Ming's deal. And my elder brother – " he said and looked at Chen Han, only to grimace when his gaze swept past Yu Sheng and saw Yu Sheng glaring at him. He immediately composed himself. " – he has to save our father." He told them.