The Scum Is Reclusive 

Cheng Sheng suddenly stopped and uneasily looked back. He stared at the inn. "What's wrong?" he heard Fei Yin asked. 

Cheng Sheng turned to him. "I don't know… I suddenly felt uneasy." He answered. 

"Are you worried about them?" Fei Yin asked, referring to Nan Pingan and Nan Lang. "Each one of us has his own problem to solve. They have ours, and so we do have ours, too. Rest your heart and mind." He told him and patted Cheng Sheng's head. 

Cheng Sheng didn't answer and shifted his feet. "Should we go back?" he asked. 

Fei Yin felt helpless, so he can only turn to Wu Yuan who is the oldest among them. Wu Yuan proved he is reliable. "Our time is short. We don't have time to get worried with others' welfare. We should worry with ours." He said.