The Scum Is Timid

"'ni lai Heilong'?" they looked at each other. "'you come in Heilong'?" they turned back to the stall owner. "What is Heilong?" they asked. 

"A black dragon?" Fei Yin asked, looking skeptical. As far as he knows, there are no dragons in the novel, thus in this world. So, where did this dragon come from? 

"Heilong is a Dark Realm, or the underworld as many people call it." The stall owner said. 

"A dark realm…" Wu Yuan muttered, a thoughtful expression on his face. 

"The underworld?" Cheng Sheng asked, then looked at Fei Yin. 

"It's not exactly the underworld." The stall owner said and thought for a moment. "But, it may be as one." He added. 

"What do you mean?" Wu Yuan asked. 

The stall owner turned to him. "Because within the Heilong, is the Wuran Kingdom." He answered. 

They were stunned. "The Wuran Kingdom… didn't it disappear a long time ago?!" they asked.