The Scum Is Funny 

Jing Hei watched as everyone looked for a place to rest while Jing Bai, Zheng Yi, Feng Mo, Li Tian, and Lei Qing kept watch of their surroundings tonight. Then, he turned and looked at Qian Lin, only to find Qian Lin had already fallen asleep in his elder brother's arms. 

He saw Qian Tian silently observing him. "Senior Qian." He called. 

Qian Tian stared at him for a while before a smile appeared on his lips. "Do you know why I let you, whose skills and intelligence inferior to that of your elder brothers, continue being friends with Qian Lin?" he asked. 

Jing Hei didn't take offense to what Qian Tian said since he knew what he was saying was true. "Why?" he asked.