The Scum Is An Impostor

Heilong Realm.

After memorizing the city where they arrived in Heilong, which they found out called the 'First City', Cheng Sheng, Fei Yin, and Wu Yuan left the city, since if there's a first city, then there must be a second or, this, rd and so on.

"Just how vast is this Heilong?" Fei Yin asked as they rented horses. They can't just keep walking, much less ride on their sword since it'll expose them. Thus, they decided to rent horses. Some demonic cultivators also rode on horses when they saw them pass by them.

Yesterday, they met a demonic cultivator mounted on a horse that passed by them. He is arrogant and ridicules them for being too poor that they can't even buy a horse. Wu Yuan's face darkened while Fei Yin smiled, but out of irritation. Cheng Sheng, the most level-headed and eloquent one, spoke some words of praise to the demonic cultivators to send the demonic cultivator away.