The Scum Is A Noble

"Oops." Cheng Sheng spoke and covered his mouth with his hand. "I hit him too hard." He said and awkwardly smiled at Fei Yin and Wu Yuan. He's clearly guilty. 

"Meng Gui, Shang He, Ma Wen and Du Xiang are the demonic leaders of Heilong." Bai Yun, whose presence they have ignored, spoke. 

Cheng Sheng, Fei Yin, and Wu Yuan have already guessed as such. "They act as generals?" Cheng Sheng asked. 

"'generals'?" Bai Yun said and laughed as if he had heard a joke. "There are no generals in Heilong." He said. 


"Why should there be a general – " Bai Yun said as he opened his fan. " – when he is not needed?" he asked. 

"What do you mean, 'not needed'?" Fei Yin asked. 

"Heilong is a No Rule Land. Why appoint a general, when there is no law to follow? No orders to execute?" Bai Yun asked. "Wouldn't his position be just empty? Be useless?" he said and smiled.