The Scum Is Callous

Shang He's voice was low, but everyone was skilled so they heard it. And when they heard it, their expressions changed from being shocked, to be confused, before they settled into looking complicated. A moment of silence fell upon them. Then, after a while when they recovered their expression, they turned to look at Meng Gui inside the palanquin. 

But, the curtain was already pulled down so they couldn't see Meng Gui's expression, nor his reaction to what Shang He had said just now. "Leader…" Meng Gui's people called. When they didn't hear Meng Gui's response, they turned to look at Shang He who opened the bottle of magic pills and ate some. 

Silence fell and only the crunching sound of the magic pills being eaten by Shang He could be heard. 

After a while, Meng Gui finally spoke. "Why aren't we moving?" he asked. He finally reacted. But, his reaction to Shang He's words is no reaction.