The Scum Is Tactful

"What…?!" they were stunned. "The Heilong Realm…" they muttered under their breath as they stared at Zuo Zhe, eyes wide in shock. 

"So, this is it." Fan Wen spoke. 

"What do you mean, shifu?" the Xinfaxian Sect disciples asked and looked at Fan Wen in puzzlement. 

Xi Ling who also thought of something spoke. "The Heilong Realm was formed because of the abundance of the demonic qi. The creation of a new realm might have…" his voice trailed off and turned to look at Zuo Zhe. 

But, Zuo Zhe didn't speak. 

"Disturbed the heaven." Fei Lin continued for Xi Ling.

Xi Ling and Fan Wen nodded. Xie Lan didn't speak as he was contemplating. His mind is whirling very fast. 

"'disturbed the heaven'…" Jing Cheng, Jing Bai, Jing Hei, Qian Lin, and Zheng Yi looked at each other, their gazes talking. Meanwhile, Jing Kang's face is indifferent and his eyes are just on Lei Ling's, who is standing with his fellow disciples, figure.