The Scum Is Manipulative

"I wish we could have this in the Heilong Realm." Shang He spoke as he looked at the Water Fruit, nicknamed the Spirit Probing Fruit. Although the fruit has flesh inside, there is more content in its juice. 

"Shen Shen said that we could have mixed this also as an ingredient." Meng Gui spoke as he removed his gaze from Ma Wen's quartet. "But, some ordinary people might not take its stimulating effect, so he removed this from the ingredients' list." He explained. 

"I see." Shang He spoke. "Did he say anything else?" he asked. 

"He said that we should still watch the Drunken Moon City's people while eating the dinner later." Meng Gui answered. 

"Good." Shang He nodded, understanding what Cheng Sheng wanted to do.