The Scum Is Smug

"The Chen patriarch! It is indeed the Chen patriarch… and former sect leader Wu!" Xiao Le exclaimed in shock. 

"They're… alive…" Xi Ming muttered under his breath as they all stared at Chen Jing and Wu Fan, wide-eyed in disbelief. 

"They're just missing, ge. It's not as if missing equates to being dead… ow." Xi Xing grunted in pain when Xi Ming hit him on his back. He immediately shut up. 

"Chen patriarch… former sect leader Wu… you're really back!" Shu Mu sighed in relief when Wu Fan and Chen Jing reached them. 

"En. We've also saved your brothers." Wu Fan spoke. 

Before any of them could react, they all heard the snapping of ropes behind the demonic cultivators. They all turned, only to see Shu Mu's fellow disciples were now lying on the ground. Their chest heaved up and down, indicating that they were now breathing easier than earlier. 

"Damn it!" a demonic cultivator cursed and glared at Wu Fan and Chen Jing. "Kill them!" he said.