The Scum Is Late 

"How… how…" they stammered, unable to speak coherently because of what had happened. 

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Wu Ran laughed seeing their pale faces. 

"Chen Han!" Li Tian called when he saw Chen Han standing beside Wu Ran. His tears fell in both joy and pleasant surprise when he saw Chen Han was fine.

The others were roused from their daze and turned. 

"Han-er!" Chen Jing cried when he saw his son. "Han-er! What are you doing with him? Come back here!" he told Chen Han. 

But, Chen Han didn't speak, nor his eyes didn't move even slightly as if he didn't see nor hear them. 

"Han-er…?" Chen Jing called, puzzled by Chen Han's unresponsive state. 

"'Come back'?" Wu Ran snickered. "Do you really want him to come back? When he's the one who stabbed your precious Cheng Sheng?" he asked and pointed to the sword on Cheng Sheng's chest.