The Scum Is Determined

"Er Zi." Xiao Le called as he beckoned Fei Yinzi. "You go that side for now. Your master and we have something to talk about." He told him in a whisper. "We can't delay any second so we have no choice but to talk while on the way." He explained before he apologetically smiled.

"… I understand." Fei Yinzi nodded while his hands were hidden inside his sleeves clenched. But, none of his emotions were exposed. He flew to the side, farther from Cheng Sheng. Then, he watched as Shu Mu and Xiao Le flew on both sides of Cheng Sheng before he lowered his head, hiding the pain that flashed in his eyes. It should be him who is beside his master and not the others, yet… he derisively smiled. My strength still isn't enough, then? He thought.