The Scum Is Poisonous

As soon as the night fell in Zhongyang, the people smelled a grassy scent. Those who smelled it felt their heads spinning, then hurt like it is about to split into two. They can hear a ringing noise and, before they know it, they are bleeding in their orifices.

THUD. One by one, they fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Hehehehe." Someone laughed sinisterly as he hopped around the bodies of those who had fallen on the cold and damp ground.

As soon as his foot touched the ground, his body uncontrollably shook which made him fall to the ground, caught off-guard. But, since he was already used to it, he lifted his other foot to make another hop.

"So, that's the plant demon?" Jing Cheng asked in a low voice as they watched the demon leave the area.

"Yes." Cheng Sheng nodded as he crushed the powder and scattered it in the air while Pai Lie jumped down to the ground and created an array to heal the people.