The Scum Is Excessive

Xinfaxian, Xinfaxian Sect.

"Cheng-shidi!" Li Tian and Feng Mo called after the light in the teleportation array had died down.

"Ah, Sheng!" Chen Han called and pulled his younger brother. "How are you?" he asked.

"I'm feeling good." Cheng Sheng smiled.

"Huh?" Lei Ling muttered when he suddenly noticed something. "Cheng-shixiong returned through the teleportation array… where is Er Zi?" he asked.

It was then that everybody realized that Fei Yinzi, who can't use the teleportation array, didn't return with Cheng Sheng.

As soon as the name was spoken, they saw Cheng Sheng's face darkened. It was then that they realized that Cheng Sheng would never abandon Fei Yinzi unless Fei Yinzi angered him. So. Much. What did Fei Yinzi do this time to anger Cheng Sheng? He didn't kill him, did he?