The Scum Is Favored

Yunxiao Inn.

"Xiao Sheng/Sheng-er?!" Xie Lan, Fan Wen, Chen Jing, and Wu Fan exclaimed when they saw Cheng Sheng sitting inside the pavilion alone while drinking tea. There were two cups across from him indicating that he was chatting with Sun Rong and Qie Shi earlier.

Cheng Sheng turned and smiled at them. "Founder. Shifu. Father. Uncle Wu." He greeted and slightly bowed.

The four elders' hearts melted by his smile. They saw that he wasn't wearing his hat today, and his long and white hair was exposed. So, he must have cast a barrier around the pavilion to prevent anyone from seeing him. But, since the cultivation of the four of them is now higher than his, they naturally can see him.

"Sheng-er, you…" Chen Jing spoke and coughed as they approached him. "You're here today. Why didn't we see you earlier?" he asked, striking up a conversation.