The Scum Is Conscientious

"Since he didn't know, then his spirit servant remained a spirit." Cheng Sheng said.

"What? A spirit?!" they exclaimed in shock.

Cheng Sheng looked at them. "Well, spirit servants are originally a spirit so why are you all shocked?" he asked. He didn't wait for them to answer and continued. "But, since spirit servants need to have a medium, that person's spirit servant unsurprisingly is weak, and can't even make itself a spiritual body, making it have an appearance and appear to others, thus its master didn't know its existence since he didn't see it." He explained. "It only was created out of its master's will. And its master's will is… to kill that family whom he thought fled or hid to not pay their debt." He told them.

"So this is why it turned evil?" they said.