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Li Tian, Feng Mo, and Lei Qing. "… haha." They hollowly laughed when they saw the others' gazes landed on them and they looked away, avoiding their gazes while feeling guilt. Right… they have forgotten to teach their disciples to cook, which should they have learned since they are expected to live in the wilderness for a week during the elimination round of the Intersect Competition.

Jing Cheng's, Jing Bai's and Jing Kang's expressions are also stiff while Zheng Yi is laughing on the side. Qian Tian's face looked awkward. They also haven't taught their disciples to cook since they themselves don't know how to do it. Also, cultivating, for them, is more important than cooking.

Li Tian's lip twitched as he looked at Su Yi. Good disciple! Keep it up! He thought as he looked at Su Yi maintaining his indifferent expression to not show that he was ashamed. Although this is shameless, they have already lost their face in the first place so why not continue being shameless?