The Scum Is A Child

Yunxiao Inn.

In the Yunxiao Inn, Xie Lan is waiting with Fan Wen, Chen Jing, Wu Fan, Fei Lin, Xi Ling, Sun Rong, and Qie Shi for the disciples of the Xinfaxian Sect, Youxiwang Sect, and Shanliangde Sect to return from the awarding ceremony. Cheng Sheng has just finished refining more Spirit Tracing Bells again so he is resting in his room after being completely exhausted.

While they were all chatting in the reception area, they suddenly heard a thumping sound that seemed to be footsteps. The footsteps sound soft but also hurried like their owner has short legs and small feet. They are cultivators, excluding Sun Rong and Qie Shi, so their senses are sharp and they immediately hear the new footsteps of… a child.

"… Sun Rong, do your guests have brought a child with them?" Chen Jing asked.

"I'm not sure…" Sun Rong shrugged. "Dear Qie, can you check the list for me?" he asked.

"Sure." Qie Shi nodded.