The Scum Is Busy

Yunxiao Inn.

"Do you think it'll be our match this afternoon?" Chen Su asked Chen Wu.

"If it is, then good luck!" Su Yi told him.

"Thanks!" Chen Su grinned.

"G – good luck to your mages, too, if it will be th – their turn!" Chen Yu said.

"Thank you, Chen Yu-shidi." Cui Xiang smiled.

Chen Yu blushed and shrank his neck. He also shyly lowered his head.

Meanwhile, Cui Xiang. "…" am I that scary? She thought and shrugged.

The disciples of the other sects also bade the Xinfaxian Sect and Youxiwang Sect disciples along with Sun Ri 'good luck' and resumed eating. Meanwhile, their sect leaders and elders are camping outside Bai Tan's space, hoping to see Cheng Sheng come out.

But, it was Fei Yin who came out instead. "…" what the hell are they standing here for like statues? He thought.