The Scum Is Ill

"Congratulations, xiao Wen! Xiao Xiang! Xiao Xiao!" the Xinfaxian Sect congratulated their disciples who won. "Xiao Ri, too!" they added as they beamed at Sun Ri.

A day has already passed. The afternoon that Ho Yue arrived, after everyone finished their discussion, they hurriedly left to go to the venue of the competition. Zheng Yi picked Wen Wen's team with Cui Xiang, Cui Xiao, and Sun Ri, leaving the Youxiwang Sect's team of three consisting of Chen Wu, Chen Su, and Chen Yu be the last match of the group battles, as well as the second stage of the competition.

Wen Wen, Cui Xiang, Cui Xiao, and Sun Ri didn't disappoint their sects' expectations of them. They performed brilliantly on stage! Now, it was noon of the next day and they returned with victory!

"Thank you sect leader Xie, elder Fan, elder Li, elder Feng, elder Lei, and elder You." Sun Ri answered and respectfully bowed.