The Scum Is Disobedient

While the Xinfaxian Sect and Youxiwang Sect as well as the others that chose to hug their thighs are harmonious, the Shanliangde Sect's side is as cold as where the mountain their sect is located. Their surroundings are silent and even the mischievous Fei Huo is silent right now. Even his dumb brain could sense that Fei Luo, his older brother, is finally fed up with Xi He's attitude.

"If you still choose to be disobedient, then leave." Fei Luo coldly told Xi He.

Xi He glared at him.

"What? You have made our sect lose face many times, even more than Fei Huo did." Fei Luo said.

Fei Huo shrunk his neck, afraid that it would be his turn next to be lectured by his older brother.

"Xi Bing, you've got nothing to say?!" Xi He can't stand Fei Luo's condescending gaze. If they just didn't belong to the same sect, he would have killed this bastard like Wu Tie!

"Don't drag the Xi Clan down with you just because you are surnamed Xi." Xi Bing told Xi He.