The Scum Is Committed

Wu Lian, Sun Yan, and Jin Yu were stunned when they also saw the result. Then, they looked at Chen Wu, Fei Luo, and Wu Tie who voted, thinking the same thing. … what the hell are they doing? They thought and looked at each other with their gazes speaking before they all retracted their gazes and turned back to Chen Wu, Fei Luo, and Wu Tie who were also looking at each other.

Chen Wu smiled, breaking the sudden tension and stalemate. He also should be the one to speak since he is the one who proposed this small game. Thus, nobody thinks that there is something wrong with him speaking. "Since the one with neither long nor short stick won…" he said.

Fei Luo's and Wu Tie's ears perked up, same with Sun Yan, Jin Yu, and Wu Lian.

"… the voting method for the second one and last one to go is still the same." Chen Wu continued. "We will still gather here after the time allotted to vote for the next person to go." He told them.