The Scum Is Promising

"FCK! Each of them is very strong!" the audience exclaimed when they saw Wu Tie, Jin Yu, and now Xi He who appeared out of nowhere, fight against xiao Bao and the irritated xiao Ling.

Everyone can see that xiao Ling, who was roused from his sleep, is very angry thus his strength doubles. But, Wu Tie, Jin Yu, and Xi He are still holding on. 

"Wu Tie knows that xiao Ling's strength would be doubled because of his anger for his sleep being disrupted." Jing Bai spoke. "He and Jin Yu definitely will be defeated by xiao Ling and xiao Bao, especially since xiao Ling's strength has doubled. So, he included Xi He, who is stalking him, in his plans," he explained.

Xi Ming covered his face with his both hands, feeling ashamed because Xi He was used. Sun Yu's face doesn't look good, either, while Wu Tong repeatedly apologized to Sun Yu after his son Wu Tie used Xi He, who, obviously, is an unwilling helper.

"Not only that." Cheng Sheng spoke.