The Scum Is Agitated

"Good work, everyone!" Sun Yan said as he panted as he looked at Fei Luo, Xi Bing, and Fei Huo.

After seeing Xi He's points only increase and not decrease, he knows that Xi He must have already received his message about the conditions of xiao Bao and xiao Ling deducting their points.

"Let us have a rest first." Sun Yan said when they found a river nearby.

"Good." Fei Luo nodded as he sat down on the ground and started to meditate to replenish his qi.

Sun Yan smiled in relief knowing that Fei Luo's condition was good now. "Xi Bing and I will go fish for our lunch." He said and nodded at Xi Bing to encourage him to follow him.

"Sure." Xi Bing answered. He glanced at Fei Huo who happened to also look at him.

Their gazes met before they both looked away. Fei Huo immediately sat beside Fei Luo. Xi Bing sighed and followed Sun Yan, only to hear him speak as they walked down the trail.