The Scum Is Surprised  

In the allied participants' base, Wu Lian and Chen Wu have finally come out of their tent.

"Wu-shixiong! Chen-shixiong!" Zhu Xi and Ling Yun respectfully bowed while Jin Yu nodded at them.

Cui Xiang is now refining magic pills and brewing potions while Chen Yu, along with Sun Ri, is looking after the patients, feeding them medicines based on Ling Yun's prescription which Cui Xiang approved. This shows that they are worthy of being Cheng Sheng's apprentices in medicine since everyone can see that the condition of the Shanliangde Sect disciples as well as Wu Tie became better.

Sun Yu almost cried and knelt before Xie Lan, thanking him because Cheng Sheng was his disciple. But, of course, he didn't cry or knelt. However, he sincerely thanked him. Wu Tong also sincerely thanked Xie Lan, and it was he who almost shed tears. Just almost, since he still remembers that he is a sect leader and crying in public is shameful.