The Scum Is Impure

Wen Wen's eyes widened and he felt his heart thump loudly inside his chest. "Then, Xiao-shijie… what do you think is the answer to my problem?" he asked in a low voice.

Cui Xiao stared at him for a while before she looked away. "Wen-shidi… you can't ask me for answers because you need to find the answer on your own." She said. "Especially… if you already have found it, so why still ask me?" she asked as she looked at him.

Wen Wen's eyes widened, stunned. Then, his face turned serious. He looked at Fei Yinzi who is currently talking with Wen Yan. Er Zi… he thought as he lowered his gaze. His cheeks are flushed. He never knew that he would like Fei Yinzi this way… all these years, he thought of him as a friend or best friend. He never knew when his thoughts had changed, and he only realized it until now.