The Scum Is Powerless  

They all froze and blankly looked at Dong Cheng.

"What… what do you mean?" Li Tian asked in puzzlement.

"Somebody killed my pursuers while I fled." Dong Cheng answered as he looked at them.

Their eyes widened in shock as they gaped at him. "WHAT?!" they exclaimed. Although they have already guessed this after Dong Cheng said that it wasn't who killed his pursuers, they still can't help but feel shocked.

It was someone who killed the pursuers of Dong Cheng. Then, was this someone a pure passerby who just happened to help Dong Cheng? Or, was it…? They looked at each other with their gazes talking.

"Who is it?!" Feng Mo asked as his eyes sharpened.

"Could it be… an enemy of our enemies?" Li Tian muttered with a pensive expression on his face.

"Ehem." Ho Yue coughed and smiled, feeling embarrassed. "We are the enemy of your enemies." He reminded them.

They grimaced.