The Scum Is Devastated 

Lei Qing, who had been suppressing her sadness so that Lei Ling wouldn't feel guilty and regret leaving, lowered her head and couldn't help but also shed her tears as she listened to Fan Wen's cries. 

"Shifu…" Feng Mo called and bit his lip to hold back his tears so as to not add to the already depressing atmosphere. 

"Wen…" Xie Lan called as he held Fan Wen, only for Fan Wen to suddenly slap his hand away. 

"Shifu!" Feng Mo and Lei Qing cried. "Founder…" they called when they saw that Xie Lan's hand was so red. 

But, Xie Lan didn't answer and just looked at Fan Wen who was glaring at him furiously. "Have you vented your anger yet?" he asked as he took Fan Wen's hand again. "I advise you not to hit me, not because I will feel pain. I have a thick skin, as you can see." He said and smiled as he rubbed the ointment on Fan Wen's palm. "I am more afraid, and also would be distressed, seeing you be hurt." He said.