The Scum Is A Victim 

"Qi Lan, it's you!" Ho Ting gnashed his teeth in anger as he glared at Qi Lan, who started upon seeing him. 

"Ho Ting?" Qi Lan muttered in surprise. 

"Qi Lan!" Ho Ting yelled as he took out his sword and ran towards Qi Lan with his sword raised. 

Ling Yun's face turned serious. He knew it. Ho Ting would really get mad upon seeing Qi Lan. He immediately took out a talisman and threw it towards Ho Ting, who instantly stopped, and then dodged to avoid the talisman. 

"Ling Yun?!" Ho Ting exclaimed as he looked at Ling Yun in both surprise and disbelief. "You… what are you doing?! Why are you helping him?" he asked him. 

"Didn't you see it?" Ling Yun pointed at Qi Lan who just stood there with a calm expression on his face. "Not only is he a Xinfaxian Sect disciple now, but also my shifu's disciple. In short, he is my shidi." He told Ho Ting.