The Scum Is Anti 

North Region, Shanliangde Sect. 

Cheng Sheng is still yawning while Fei Yin helps him comb his hair and fix his clothes when he hears what Fei Yin says. 

"The trap that the Shanliangde Sect laid based on your instructions was successful." Fei Yin told him. 

"Mn…" Cheng Sheng hummed a response. His eyelids are still heavy. 

Fei Yin saw his sleepy expression and he chuckled. The traps, which are the Exploding Pills planted underground, would explode with just a slight shake. This is why the Shanliangde Sect disciples and elders who have planted the Exploding Pills, were heavily sweating when they planted the Exploding Pills underground. Fortunately, it was the enemies who tasted the explosion instead of them.