The Scum Is Indecisive 

"Xi He?" a voice called behind Xi He who suddenly appeared behind a tree. 

Xi He was startled and almost jumped in fright. Then, he turned, only to see Xi Bing together with Fei Huo. 

"What's wrong with you?" Xi Bing asked when he saw Xi He's pale face and he was sweating heavily. 

"Are you alright?" Fei Huo worriedly asked when he saw Xi He's poor complexion. 

"I… I am fine!" Xi He answered before he turned his back on them and wiped his face, trying to adjust his expression to being calm. But, his pale face still betrayed him. 

"If you feel unwell, go to the infirmary." Xi Bing told Xi He. 

Before, he doesn't like Xi He because the other is arrogant. But, after Xi He tried to help the Xinfaxian Sect disciples by returning Fei Yinzi to them, Xi Bing's impression of Xi He changed. He also began to treat him like his cousin unlike before when he treated Xi He as just a stranger. This is already better compared to treating Xi He as an enemy.