The Scum Is Indebted 

Central Region, Zhongyang, Zunjingde Sect. 

"Ge… do you think that we will also be dispatched to the battlefield?" Jing De asked Jing Xu as his legs swayed in the water of the pond while the koi fishes swam around his legs.

The lotus flowers rocked on the surface of the water as the water rippled due to his movements.

"The disciples of the other sects have been dispatched." Jing Xu said with a calm expression on his face. But, his words can't make them feel calm. "Only us were left." He said as he wrote on the paper using a brush to practice his calligraphy. 

Jing De fell silent. He can understand what Jing Xu means. Jing Rui doesn't want them to go to the battlefield. 

"Our sect leader…" Jing De muttered. "We owe him our lives… we owe our lives to the sect," he said and lowered his head.