The Scum Is Commanding 

North Region, Shanliang, Shanliangde Sect. 

"Sheng." Fei Yin called as he stood beside Cheng Sheng who is watching the battle afar. "Do you still feel guilty about shifu?" he asked as he turned his head and looked at Cheng Sheng's face. 

Cheng Sheng didn't speak and just continued watching the battle. But, obviously, his mind is elsewhere. Definitely, it is in Xinfaxian. Precisely, the Xinfaxian Sect. 

Fei Yin didn't force him to answer and just turned his gaze to the battlefield. It was now the disciple's battlefield. Fei Yin could guess his lover's thoughts. Cheng Sheng feels guilty, thinking that he is forcing everyone to bend to his will without even asking their opinions. So, thinking that he could compensate them, he let the lovers be by each other's side. That is why he let his fellow disciples go to the other regions. This way, his fellow disciples could also cover up the weakness of the other regions. It was a win-win situation.