The Scum Is Depraved 

"Whoa!" Li Tian and Guo Cheng exclaimed when they saw that some pillars made of golden light came out of the array and surrounded the foreign soul, acting like a cage. 

The foreign soul that was struggling struggled more when the cage appeared, and its screams became louder, making them have to cover their ears. Finally, Cheng Sheng, who is pissed, threw a Silencing Talisman into the cage. 

Only then did the world fall back into silence. They all sighed in relief when their ears were saved. 

"Just keep going!" Cheng Sheng told Li Tian and Guo Cheng to continue their task of suppressing the foreign soul before he turned to look at Tang Li's soul which finally fell asleep. He took out his fan and fanned Tang Li's soul back to his body.