The Scum Is A Miracle 

Sun Yu almost slapped the table after he heard what Fei Yin said. "Good, good!" he said and nodded in agreement. "Let's do this! Have someone fix your swords first before having Sun Ri refine them with the blocking function, which is the same as Cheng Sheng's umbrella!" he told them. 

"Yes, sect leader!" they answered and nodded in agreement. 

"Then, we will continue to borrow the umbrellas that Cheng Sheng gave to the disciples?" Xi Ling asked. 

This is just to have an assurance. After all, those umbrellas really are a miracle. They truly never have expected that those umbrellas which they thought only have a flying function after they saw Cheng Sheng used it to fly, actually would have this heavenly-defying function, that is, to block the enemies' attacks, which actually the enemies' ace up their sleeves!