The Scum Is Amazed

"Elder Fei Yin!" they all exclaimed in shock and alarm when they saw that the light, which is the spell casted by Cheng Sheng, is reaching Fei Yin, who is sitting on the side. 

But, Fei Yin's expression remained calm. Instead, he even smiled! He is Cheng Sheng's lover, and their love spanned across many worlds and they spend many lifetimes with each other. So, how can he not know what his lover is planning? 

"Oops." Fei Yin slightly moved to the side, dodging Cheng Sheng's spell. 

The disciples were stunned. The word 'evil' that they labeled on Fei Yin was instantly replaced by the word 'cool'! Fei Yin is very calm even if a spell was about to hit him on the face! Right on the face! They stared at Fei Yin with their eyes sparkling due to both excitement and amazement. 

"Oh, my…! That was such a cool move!" Sun Ri squealed in excitement as they watched Cheng Sheng attacked Fei Yin again. This time, Fei Yin has to move to escape.