The Scum Is Hated

"He hates me, right?" Fei Yinzi said and sniffled with his red nose due to crying as he lied on the floor with his both hands on his abdomen and his eyes are staring blanky at the ceiling. 

He, Sun Yan, Fei Luo, Fei Huo, Xi Bing, Xi He, and Sun Ri are still in the alchemy hall with Xi Ning, who is currently making magic pills while reading the recipe as her guide. But, Fei Yin and Cheng Sheng have already left with Cheng Sheng still considering whether he would teach them basic array drawing. Cheng Sheng left with Fei Yin since they were called by Sun Yu. Cheng Sheng expected the disciples to continue to train, but who knew that Cheng Sheng would suddenly burst into tears?!