The Scum Is A Blessing

Fei Yin looked at Cheng Sheng with a deep gaze before the corners of his lips curled up. How can he not know what his lover is thinking? He knows his lover too much since the first time he saw him in his (CS) original world, then knew him deeper when they went through other worlds until finally, they can be with each other as lovers in this world.

"Okay." Fei Yin nodded as he asked Sun Yu to borrow an ordinary sword.

Sun Yu agreed and had a disciple get it. After all, with just the ordinary sword, Fei Yin could fully display his power and skills

"The Age Regressing Pill – " Cheng Sheng spoke as he started to explain the changes that the Age Regressing Pill has on their body while they wait for the sword to arrive. " – as I said before, is a magic pill that could make one return to their youth." He spoke. "What is more, this is one returning to their youth, but only in the physical aspect." He told them.