The Scum Is Biased

Fei Yinzi shook his head when he saw their happy faces. Do they care that much about shifu and Uncle's relationship? He thought, then lowered his head. He does hate Fei Yin. After all, he was always bullied by the other. He feels mad, irritated, frustrated. Mad, because he is being targeted. Irritated, because Fei Yin is targeting only him. And frustrated since he can't do anything about it.

Yet, other people think that it is amusing. Fei Yinzi's hands inside his sleeves were clenched into fists. This is amusing? He is being bullied! And that it is a senior who is bullying him. Not to mention that this senior is an elder of the same sect as him! Worse, he is his shibo and even his shifu's lover. In fact, he is also his blood-related uncle! So, where is this amusing? This is no amusement at all! This is abuse!