The Scum Is An Enemy

"Sect leader Dong… you can understand, right?" Gong Xian asked as he looked at Dong Zheng. "The sect leader of the enemies is the only family member that my shifu has left aside from Ho Ting." He said. "That is his elder brother – the one who raised him when he was young. So, how can shifu forsake his elder brother?" he asked as he clenched his fists. 

Dong Zheng naturally understands since he also has a brother, and even if his brother is extremely evil to plots against him to kill him. Despite everything that happened, he still forgave his younger brother – aside from killing him, his younger brother's son killed his own son, Dong Cheng. That was his son, and his son's life was almost taken away. Yet, still, in the end, he decided to forgive his younger brother.