The Scum Is Dying

Dong Zheng hummed in agreement. "Cheng Sheng should have an idea to what this oath is…" he spoke when he recalled Cheng Sheng's eyes flashed that time. Dong Zheng thinks that either Cheng Sheng had a guess as to what is with the foreign enemies, or that Cheng Sheng knows something more… 

After all, Cheng Sheng is friends with Ho Yue and should have guessed Ho Yue's origin, or that Ho Yue mentioned it to him. Ho Yue must have inadvertently mentioned something to him during one of their conversations, and Cheng Sheng, who is a genius and has an excellent memory, recalled it. Or that Cheng Sheng knew this information from his mysterious friend who is currently helping the south region cleaning up both the foreign enemies and the demons attacking it. Cheng Sheng himself has told them that his friend is an informant, and he also told them that this mysterious friend of his has once gone to the foreign enemies' land.