The Scum Is Ill-fated

Cheng Sheng was surprised by Dong Zheng's question. Then, he fell silent, seeming to guess what they had found out from interrogating Ki Le. "I have guessed." He honestly answered.

"On what basis?" Gong Xian asked as he looked at Cheng Sheng.

Cheng Sheng looked at him. "From seeing the corpses of the foreign enemies." He answered. "I then knew that it was their strange magic itself that was ruining their bodies. And as their sect leader who would receive large amounts of it, his body will be ruined more than the warriors' bodies." He explained.

Silence fell upon them after they heard what Cheng Sheng said. No wonder Cheng Sheng said that the oath of the warriors is a curse. For it is really a curse since it harms the person when the person just has a good intention.