The Scum Is Struggling

Ho Ting and Ling Yun heard what Fan Wen said. Ling Yun felt puzzled as to why Fan Wen would call Ho Ting. After all, Fan Wen and Ho Ting have no intersection at all. Wouldn't it make sense if Fan Wen called him (LY)? After all, he is Cheng Sheng's disciple.

But, Fan Wen called Ho Ting, which is surprising. And what was even more surprising is that Li Tian, Feng Mo, Lei Ling, Lei Qing, and You Rou, and even Cheng Sheng, Xie Lan, and Fei Yin, weren't surprised. Not even Ho Ting!

Ling Yun's heart was shocked many times today, starting with his uncle Ling Xi telling him the truth about Ho Ting's father still alive. Now, elder Fan Wen called Ho Ting, with whom he has had no intersection since before. But, after Ling Yun recalled his uncle telling him about the group of enemies arriving in Xinfaxian and requesting Cheng Sheng's help to save their sect leader's life, it was only then did it dawned on Ling Yun that Fan Wen might want to talk to Ho Ting about this.