The Scum Is Obliged

Xie Lan and Fan Wen froze when they heard what Ho Ting said. At first, there was nothing wrong with what Ho Ting said. But, if you think deeper, there is a shocking meaning behind his words. And that is why Ho Ting never thought of his father… of if his father was actually still alive. Because for Ho Ting, he has already accepted, in both his mind and heart, that his father has long since died. So, he was not moved that his father was actually still alive.

"You…" Fan Wen muttered as he looked at Ho Ting with a stunned expression on his face. He was about to ask Ho Ting if Ho Ting was not happy to know that his father was actually still alive. But, Fan Wen suddenly recalled something. And that Ho Ting's father has chosen to abandon Ho Ting and has not even once sent a message of him still actually alive.