The Scum Is Paranoid

Cheng Sheng, Gong Xian, and Ki Le who finally arrived in Ho Chu's tent with much haste to save Ho Yue suddenly froze when they heard what Ho Chu said. Even though Cheng Sheng doesn't understand what Ho Chu said, he knows that it is definitely something bad when he looks at Gong Xian and Ki Le's expressions. And especially when his magic tool that was connected to the other magic tool, which he gave to Fei Yin before to use to contact him, suddenly became silent when they were just chatting just now to ask where Fei Yin, Xie Lan, and the others now are.

Cheng Sheng. "…" I should definitely make a Translating Talisman now! He thought. His heart felt itchy to know what Ho Chu said.

But, looking at Gong Xian and Ki Le's stunned expressions, it is definitely something extremely big. Or else, they would not react this way as if the world is about to end.