The Scum Is Deceived

"Ho Ting…" Ling Yun called when he found Ho Ting sitting on the cliff while staring at the dark sea.

Ho Ting turned and saw Ling Yun. "Ah Yun." He called and smiled. Then, he patted the space beside him.

Ling Yun sat beside Ho Ting and their legs dangled on the cliff. They breathed deeply the salty scent of the sea breeze. In the corner of his eye, Ling Yun looked at Ho Ting who has a smile on his face. Even though Ho Ting is smiling, but his eyes are filled with sadness and exhaustion. Of all those things that have happened to Ho Ting, even them spectators in his life feels sad for him.

Ho Ting was not only separated from his parents since he was born, but he even recognized a wrong person as his father! Then, he was also schemed against and was tried to be killed several times with the last attack almost succeeding in taking his life has it not been for Ling Yun and Cheng Sheng saving him.