Chapter #8(Grocery list)

Its now morning and i think about how I've barely slept at all last night. I drag myself out of bed and slowly head down stairs, i look around and see no trace of my dad until i see a note on the counter. I examine the note for a little then get my sleepy self together to read it and it said "good morning JJ I'm already at work by the time your reading this but i was hoping that you could get the groceries and the list on the fridge, and i was aslo maeby wondering if you could stop at Sandra's house and give her the gift basket on the table, i know you don't like going to her house but i was hoping that you could please do me this one favor? -from dad" i sigh and groan a little as i walk over to the fridge and snatch the list, i stop and stare at the gift basket too and the sadly grab it and walk out to the garage. Soon enuff i spot my bike and put both items in my bikes basket, i close the garage door and start riding to the grocery store, i see my neighbors out and about walking around enjoying their summer and start thinking "i wash i was enjoying mine" but the i quickly realise that I'm going to see my mom in two days so i won't be alone my whole summer. And just like that for the rest of my peaceful bike ride to the stare i was smiling for once. As soon as i pull in the the store i lock my bike and walk in side, of course there was some money on the back of the grocery list held together by some poorly placed tape. I walk around and try to find everything i need as fast as i can so i can leave, then out of no were i see some kids from school in one group, as the enter they are all laughing and talking and start to walk around. I was so shocked, if you were to see my expression when i saw them you would have been shocked too, i was speechless as i just froze and stood there, i heard them talking and it sounded pretty close so i had to move. Then as quickly and quietly as i could i run to a whole different aisle faraway, i look at my list and see that i still need one more thing witch was some bacon in the frozen food aisle so i walk over there making sure their not in site so i can hurry up to grab it and make my escape, i scan around to look for the bacon and then i spot it. I then smile and glade fully take it and speed walk my way to the checkout, i wait in line and hear the guys again so i put up my hoodie and stand in line patiently. Then the voices that i know so well are right behind me so i stand as still as i can be nervously waiting for the lady in front of me to be done. Soon enuff the cashier starts ringing up my items and says "15.56" i then give him the 20 dollar that was taped on the back of the grocery list. He then gives me my change back along with the receipt, i grab my bags and bolt my way to the door, and just like that I'm safe. I unlock my bike and put the bags in my basket and on the sides of my bike handles, i get on and start riding down the street, i start thinking about how in only two days I'm going to see my mom and what its going to be like with her, and then i say outloud "at least i won't have to go though this crap when I'm with her."