Back on Earth

I looked around as I inhaled the familiar tasting air, yet I felt nothing, no joy, or even sadness at my death, to me, it just was.

Shrugging, I made my way to a mirror than laid on it's side and crouched, and looked at the reflection.

Silver hair that fell to my waist, stark blue eyes with slitted pupils, and black wings that shone with unholy lights, and a young but beautiful body.

'Beautiful...' It was the only word I could use to describe the feeling I got.

'I'm beautiful?' In the reflection, the girl smiled happily, then her wings flapped and the mirror shattered.

'Ugh, I should find a way to hide them...' As the thought crossed my mind, I felt them retract and disappear.

'Guess I can shapeshift, wait, as an Infernal Creature, shouldn't I have another form, one that screw everyone...?

Then I felt it, my current body was just a mask, and the darkness within started to seep out when I thought of changing.

Then the thoughts came, and reduced me to a pathetic state.

Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!

'I can't, I just want to live my life as freely as possible!'

Then gather the souls of those recently deceased and consume them!

Looking around, I walked to the edge of the alleyway and looked out into the street.

Cars slowly drove past as I walked out the alleyway, and nearly bumped into someone, yet they continued on as if they didn't see me.

No one can see you, you're in omniscient mode, now leave that mode and quickly find some souls to feed us.

'Who are you, I know you're not me!'

I'm the Darkness, it was me who burnt your body when you became an Infernal Creature, now hunt, or you will feel that pain again!

Immediately leaping forward, I flew through a car and then landed on the other side of the road.

'What was that? It's like I'm a ghost!' I looked up and saw a blue sky and couldn't help but feel it as odd.

Because you fundamentally changed when I burnt away the impurities in your soul, now you feel what you need to, without inhibitors!

'So, I cant stop myself if I want to do something?'

Why stop yourself? You're an Infernal Creature, not some pitiful human... now feed.

I looked around then took a deep breath, and then I smelt them.

Human emotions, fear, wrath, anger, lust, and many more, all mixing into an instantiating mass of smells.

'Hungry, I'm hungry...' I tried to absorb the nearest one, yet my hand went through the person and the wisp of anger inside remained.

Foolish, find someone with the same energy as you, in your case lust and pride will fill us up.

I looked around, and then saw a purple mist emanating of a female as she linked he hands with a man.

I leapt over a hundred feet in an instant, and landed in front of her and raked my hand through her chest.

Pulling against the force that attracted me, I yanked it out of her, only for her body to go limp and topple to the floor.

Consume it, eat it, she's already dead!

I opened my mouth and put it on the tip of my tongue, and then I moaned in pleasure.

I stood there, shivering as my body racked itself in pleasure.

Finally, you feed, none of my children shall be weaklings, now continue to feed, feed until no one is left, but avoid the Celestials, they'll try to get the souls back.

I growled as my canines elongated.

"No one can take this away, it's mine!"

Haha, you knew you weren't a good person, and you never pretended to be, you'll go far little one.